solidity notes

Hello World

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.1;

contract HelloWorld {
    string public greet = "Hello World!";

Source file does NOT compile with a compiler earlier than version 0.8.1 and starting from version 0.9.0.

Simple Contract

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.1;

contract Fibonacci {
    uint public currentNumber = 1;
    uint public previousNumber = 0;

    // Function to move to the next sequence
    function next() public {
        uint _currentNumber = currentNumber;
        currentNumber += previousNumber;
        previousNumber = _currentNumber;

    // Function to go back to the previous sequence
    function back() public {
        require(previousNumber!=0, "Can't go back any further");
        uint _previousNumber = previousNumber;
        previousNumber = currentNumber - _previousNumber;
        currentNumber = _previousNumber;

This contract stores the latest two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence as storage variables, currentNumber and previousNumber. As public variables, they come with a getter function to easily retrieve the values. There are two public functions in this contract, namely, next which moves the sequence one step forward, storing the next numbers in the sequence, and back which goes one step back.

Primitive Data Types

These are the primitive data types in Solidity and how to declare them.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.3;

contract Primitives {
    bool public boo = true;

    uint stands for unsigned integer, meaning non negative integers
    different sizes are available
        uint8   ranges from 0 to 2 ** 8 - 1
        uint16  ranges from 0 to 2 ** 16 - 1
        uint256 ranges from 0 to 2 ** 256 - 1
    uint8 public u8 = 1;
    uint public u256 = 456;
    uint public u = 123; // uint is an alias for uint256

    Negative numbers are allowed for int types.
    Like uint, different ranges are available from int8 to int256
    int8 public i8 = -1;
    int public i256 = 456;
    int public i = -123; // int is same as int256

    address public addr = 0xCA35b7d915458EF540aDe6068dFe2F44E8fa733c;

    // Default values
    // Unassigned variables have a default value
    bool public defaultBoo; // false
    uint public defaultUint; // 0
    int public defaultInt; // 0
    address public defaultAddr; // 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    address public newAddr = 0xB21eDCfbb2edBdFB3c8304C71235196483E6b8B3;
    int public neg = -1;
    uint8 public newU = type(uint8).min;