cairo notes



The goal of the STARK protocol is verifying computations succinctly and transparently. In order to achieve that, the first step is a process called arithmetization, a reduction of the problem of verifying computation to the problem of checking that a certain polynomial, which can be evaluated efficiently on the verifier’s side (succinct), is of low degree.

Composition steps

  1. generating an execution trace and polynomial constraints
  2. transforming these two objects into a single low-degree polynomial
    • prover and verifier agree on what the polynomial constraints are
    • prover generates an execution trace and tries to convince the verifier that the polynomial constraints are satisfied over this execution trace, unseen by the verifier

Supermarket Receipt Analogy

Computational Integrity (CI) statement - a claim that the output of a certain computation is correct. Let’s look into an example: total sum of a supermarket receipt

Item Price
Apple 2
Banana 1
Carrot 4
Diet Coke 2
Total 9

Items are listed with prices and total sum is indicated at the bottom. Suppose our CI is “the summation is correct”, to see if the statement holds, one can just compute the total sum and check if the total is the same as the number at indicated at the bottom.


  1. Take some CI statement and translate it into formal algebraic language
    • define the claim succinctly in an unambiguous way
    • embeds the claim in an algebraic domain
  2. Reduce the CI statement to a claim about the degree of a specific polynomial

Algebraic Representation

  1. Execution Trace
    • a table that represents the steps of the underlying computation (each row is a single step)
  2. Set of polynomial constraints
    • constructed such that all of them are satisfied if and only if the trace represents a valid computation

Execution Trace

Looking back to the example, let’s add another column for running total

Item Price Running Total
Apple 2 0
Banana 1 2
Carrot 4 3
Diet Coke 2 7
Total 9 9

Taking these two rows for example

Item Price Running Total
Carrot 4 3
Diet Coke 2 7

We can be convinced that the running total 7 is correct since 7 = 3 + 4. This is what we mean by succinct constraints.

Polynomial Constraints

Cairo Whitepaper

Here’s the link to the Cairo Whitepaper.


Existing proof systems



Prover convinces the verifier that a statement is correct.

General form:

“I know an input of a certain computation that results in a certain output”

Cryptographic proof systems for computational integrity have the following propperties

Cairo is designed to

Design principles

Cairo enables one to prove the integrity of an arbitrary computation


Hello World

%lang starknet
%builtins range_check

# Alphabet substituation cipher for each letter.
# a = 01, b = 02, etc.
const hello = 10000805121215  # 08, 05, 12, 12, 15.
const world = 10002315181204  # 23, 15, 18, 12, 04.

func greeting() -> (number_1 : felt, number_2 : felt):
    return (hello, world)

The first line, %lang starknet%, instructs the Cairo compiler to interpret this file as a StarkNet contract as opposed to a regular Cairo program.

In the next line, %builtins range_check instructs the compiler that this contract will use the range_check built-in, it ensures that the numbers stay within the acceptable range.

hello and world are constants represented by alphabet substition.

A felt is a field element which is how numbers are represented in Cairo. They behave like integers bounded by a prime number. In this function, it doesn’t take any input but returns two outputs of type felt. The view decorator indicates that the function only reads state variables and doesn’t modify them (like in Solidity).

In Cairo, functions must have return and end.`
